Thursday, September 16, 2021

the christmas wish

i remember the last
i was with her. leaving
the house
of darkness. the tree unlit.
no stockings
no fire, no gifts beneath
the tree.
no christmas meal in the oven.
the gig was up.
everyday was misery.
full of lies and deceit.
and yet, there she was.
still there, still with me.
i remember leaving the 
house that day,
and driving, driving.
it was raining.
i circled my life.
going around and around.
i must have driven five hundred
miles that day,
and still couldn't get
far enough away.
i'd never been so empty
and lost,
so duped.
so angry with myself
for letting such a despicable 
into my life.
i stayed out until it was
no longer
christmas, then went home
hoping she was gone.
which she wasn't.

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