Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dixie was her name

in the eighties,
yes, way back then.
i had a bartender named Dixie.
slender blonde
with blue eyes
and pig tails. she looked
like she just
came out of a fjord in Norway.
she had an ice
cold miller light in a bottle
waiting for me
on the bar
as soon as i came down
the steps at Bojangles
on M Street
in DC.
we would talk, and flirt,
but never
cross the line.
there was definitely
some pitter patter of the hearts
between us, but
her being the bartender
and me being me,
some dude off the street
drinking beer and dancing
to Fleetwood mac, etc.
it never went anywhere.
then she was gone.
word was that she moved
to Colorado
with some guy she met
here at the bar.
i've never recovered.

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