Friday, September 24, 2021

the gravy train

there seems to be a lot
of older children still at home,
or living under
someone else's roof, with no
jobs, or prospects
of employment.
everyone is afraid to tell them
to get the hell out
of this house and pound
the pavement.
don't come back until you
have work.
you're 32 years old with
a college education and you sit
around all day twiddling
your thumbs and playing
video games.
but no one ever says that anymore.
people are afraid of losing
the love of their children.
instead they say.
i did your clothes, and we're
having dinner at six,
so be home by then, dear.
have a nice day while i'm
a work. if you have time, 
please try to walk the dog
at some point. thanks sweetie.

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