Sunday, September 12, 2021

and then there's us

we make a game of it
as we sit
in the dark bar, drinking our
gin and tonics.
the music is loud, the bartender
quick to fill
our empty glasses.
she whispers into my ear
and says what about them,
or her,
or him. that couple over there.
and i tell her,
he's russian, and she's going
to marry him
to keep him here,
but it won't last.
the young girl alone,
has run away from home,
see the bag next to her stool,
she has nowhere to go.
the couple
at the end of the bar
are too much in love
to even notice
that anyone else is here.
at some point
they'll come up for air
and eat their food gone cold.
the unshaven boys, almost
men, are looking for a good
time, but scared
of the blonde sitting perfectly
alone, pulling at the strands
of her long hair.
admiring her fading
beauty in the mirror.
they draw straws to see who will
ask her her name,
and see where it goes
from there.
and then there's us.

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