Wednesday, January 20, 2021

can we change the subject

i'd rather not talk 
about them anymore.
i tell the therapist
as i walk around her
office watering
her plants.
can we move on.
can we dispose of that topic
and find
something new
to talk about?
you should really turn
these towards the sun
in the morning,
i tell her. look how brown
they are.
sure, she says.
no need to talk about your
father and mother.
let's take them completely
off the table, despite how
every problem in your
life is directly related to them.
their tragic neglect
and lack of affection 
from the day you were born
has completely determined
who you are as a person.
i look at her
as i accidentally spill water onto
the floor, which makes her
shake her head
and scribble something down
on my chart.
something that she quickly
hides from me.

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