Thursday, January 28, 2021

fear of the unknown

it may start out that way.
you know.
all is well.
there's this magical feeling
about it.
but time,
or something happens.
there's lying,
there's cheating.
there's arguing.
there's the pull of nature,
tearing you apart
and you spend
the next twenty or thirty
or if you're lucky,
twelve months,
pretending. going along
with it.
love has become
a distant memory.
an old coat
in the hall closet
that you wear every blue moon.
worn and torn, ripped
at the seams.
it itches.
you spend a lot of time
staring out a window, 
wondering what if,
but what are you going
to do?
there's the kids, the yard,
the house,
the in laws.
the dog.
who gets the dog?
there's almost no way out.
fear of the unknown keeps
bringing you
back home.

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