Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Prisoner Pen Pal

her daughter, bored with school work
and life in general

decides to become a prisoner pen pal.

she scrolls through the San Quentin
year book online

and finds a man named Jimmy X
doing four to ten
for manslaughter.

his bio says.
It wasn't my fault. I was set up.
my favorite color is red
and I like to hunt and fish
when i'm not incarcerated wrongly
for crimes i didn't commit.

he's very very cute.
with thick black hair
and startling blue eyes
that shine through the page.

she looks at his muscles
bulging from under his torn t-shirt
with a pack of cigarettes
rolled up in his sleeve,
and sighs.

such a bad boy she says to herself.

he appears to have only one or
two tattoos, a little tear
drop below his eye and another
larger tattoo under his shirt, 
it sort of looks like
a swastika, but hard to tell.

she writes to him and says,
that is so so cute. that tear drop
under your eye.
did it hurt?
i see how vulnerable and sensitive
you must be. I'm Mindy, by the way.

i completely understand about
being accused of things you didn't do.
my BF Gina, hasn't talked to me
for days, because she thinks i kissed
her boyfriend. which isn't true at all.

he kissed me first and we were all
drinking.   aaargh.

anyway. i sympathize
with you, having been in the same 

i have to go to field hockey practice
now, but i'll write more later.

hope to hear back soon, 
so nice to meet you,  Jimmy X.

he responds back.
can you send me some pictures
of you lying on a bed
without your clothes on?

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