Saturday, October 31, 2020

everything under the sun

we try nearly everything under the sun
to get well,
to find the meaning of life,

to get centered and free
from the human stain of grief
and sorrow.

we meditate.
we do yoga. we exercise.
we become vegans.
we eat only cabbage.
we pray.
we dance.
we get our chakras balanced.
we read our horoscope.
get a spiritual reading.
we try crystals.
we go to a chiropractor,
a therapist,
a psychic.
we chant.
we have a mantra.
we become Buddhists,
or Quakers,
we talk in tongues.
we fast,
we go on a retreat.
we recycle.
we take cold showers.
we buy more things.
we get hypnotized.
we take drugs, we join
hands in a circle
and sing kumbaya.
we put on yellow robes,
renounce everything
and join a cult.
we try the atkins diet.
we try psychotherapy.
we journal.
we keep a diary.
we run.
we walk.
we go to Tibet, we try
tantric sex.
we get married.
we get divorced.
we find new lovers.
we hike the mountain trail.
we lose ourselves
in music.
we eat only grapefruits.

are we there yet? no.
there's still something missing.

we haven't let go.

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