Thursday, December 19, 2019

stop pretending

rarely do you hear the word
anymore, unless
you go to church, and even then
it's hardly
it's more about joy
and abundance,
not repenting.
the preaching of prosperity
is the new age
everyone is good.
the world is good.
smile and the world smiles
with you.
the mega churches of deception.
the Pharisees have won.
the money changers are in the temple.
there's no blood anymore on
the crucifix
no resurrection.
the fire has dimmed, burned
down to a few embers.
there is no brimstone.
no one goes to hell anymore,
how can God be so cruel
as to send anyone to eternal
and yet.
you're either in or you're
Jesus is either a liar,
an imposter or a lunatic.
or He's the real thing,
as he said, the son of God.
you can straddle the cross
and cherry pick
your faith all you want,
but if you do,
stop going to church,
stop celebrating Christmas
and Easter, stop
pretending. throw away
your Bibles, dust ridden
deep on some forgotten

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