Tuesday, December 17, 2019

a trip to the mall

i take a stroll through the mall,
not to buy anything, but to just see
the panic in everyone's

as they walk, zombie like,
with a long list of gifts to buy.

their hands tremble as they zig zag
from store to store,
up and down the escalators.

ahhhh, those were the days.
staring into jewelry cases.
looking at gloves and trinkets.
going into Victoria secrets,
with no clue
as to what size.

people are sweating holding
their hearts,
resting on benches in their thick
red faced

eating pretzels and drinking
cokes while Christmas muzak
chimes overhead.

it's a madhouse. it's Saint E's.
it's Bellview
on steroids. it's an asylum
of holiday dread

and the clock is ticking

i take a victory lap
around then button
up my coat
and head home.

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