Friday, May 10, 2019

things are good

I can't wait to retire,
he tells me,
as we sit up at the Chinese
eating bad food
but washing it down
with strong drinks.
i'm sick of working he
i'm just bored with life,
you know.
I might leave my wife
I need a change.
we don't really like
each other
anymore anyway.
the kids are killing me
with their tuitions.
they don't listen.
maybe i'll lose some weight,
dye my hair.
get a girlfriend on the side.
shut up.
I tell him.
your wife loves you,
and you adore her,
what I wouldn't pay
to have your life.
you love your work.
you even like cutting your grass
on the weekends
and painting the shutters.
you say this stuff every time
we get together.
he laughs, yeah, yeah,
it's the rum in these drinks.
makes me think i'm
thirty again. I guess
I do have it pretty good,
don't I?
damn right.
we'll I should get going.
see you in church on

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