Sunday, May 26, 2019

the scrambled egg mind

I try to think
of new metaphors
related to food, that describe
relationships that have
come and gone, or are new
and will stay
for longer than a night,
or day.
scrambled eggs
comes to mind, a scrambled
mind with a side
order of bacon.
or emotional lasagna.
layered and gooey with cheese.
bad for the heart.
cotton candy.
sweet and sticky
with no value.
then there's the fish gone
a flounder that sat
in the sun too long,
or the apple with the worm,
the hidden brown
dent on the side you never saw.
soup, cold and old
with a thick
brown froth
comes to mind, as does,
left over pizza
or a box of Chinese
noodles, stiffened and hard
by the cold air of
a fridge, and time.

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