Thursday, May 2, 2019

someone's dead

the phone rings at two thirty
in the morning.
you let it keep
ringing until it stops.
you assume that someone
is dead.
someone you know and may
be close to
has died and someone else
is calling you
to give you the bad news.
you go through a list of
possible people
that may have died one way
or the other, or
taken, sadly their fate,
into their own hands.
you lie there in the dark
and try to go
back to sleep, but the thought
of someone close
to you dying won't let you.
so you get up,
you have no choice.
you go downstairs to the
kitchen where your phone is,
on the counter being
charged, and open it up.
no one is dead.
but there's a discount
on hotel rooms at the beach,
fifty per cent off.
you find a pad of paper
and make a note of that.

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