Friday, May 3, 2019

One True Love

you make a list of
past lovers, a very
short list of
true loves, flings
and others,
romances and friendships
and closed.

you think hard on
all the souls
that have come
and gone in your
life. people that you
believed in,
and loved, that you
thought were right,
but were in the end,
completely wrong.

it's not a long list,
when it comes to
the real thing,
so few
in the crowd, for
them or you.
it's not about intimacy,
the bed,
it's connecting
on a deeper level,
one of honesty and trust.

to love
and be beloved,
that list is small,
it just takes one
though to be done,
to say enough, she's
enough, no need to fill
your heart with
a new stranger,
and another false start.

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