Saturday, July 29, 2023

two dogs in the park

i overheard
two dogs talking at the park
the other day.
long in the tooth,
old dogs.
who refuse to learn any
new tricks.
remember when,
the one dog said to the other,
when we
ran free with no leash,
no one walking 
behind us with a plastic baggie.
i mean
how embarrassing is that.
there's no privacy anymore.
i never had a shot in 
my life until
i was dognapped and moved
to the city.
heartworms, who cares?
i ate a dead bird the other day
and my owner
went wild.
you'd think i'd shot someone
in cold blood.
we're dogs for 
god's sake. it's what we do.
we eat dead things in the woods.
i'm tired of my owner 
whining about
the cost of every trip to the vet.
it's always 500 hundred
no matter what they bring you
in for.
i've had more blood taken
out of me
than a vampire sucks in a year.
hey look,
there's as squirrel, you want that?
nah, i'm good.
you can have him.
ah forget about it.
i wish i had a real bone to chew on,
like in the old
days, a big old T-bone from the butcher.
they gave me
a rubber bone the other day,
what the hell?
how would they like it if
i bought them
a plastic blow up doll to make love to?
it's crazy man.
my owner is a vegan too, i haven't
smelled charred
meat in years.
just shoot me.

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