Tuesday, July 25, 2023

My UFO encounter, true story

a UFO, pulsating
with green
and red lights hovers
over my house
and lands
on top of my roof.
i look out and see
the silver
leaning precariously
the chimney.
the alien is out of his
a very skinny ghost like
fellow with big eyes,
and no clothes,
or any indication
if he's a she, or vice versa.
reminds me of a Barbie
doll, or Ken doll
my sister used to have
when we were kids.
i assume it's a man alien though,
by the tenor of his
voice and a discernable
Adam's apple
lodged in what i guess
is a throat.
waving sheepishly
to me.
shrugging his shoulders.
whoops, my bad,
he says.
do you have a ladder
by any chance,
he's speaking in
English but with a British
i really could use
the loo too,
if you don't mind.
i've run low on plutonium,
and my
AAA account has expired.
my friend James, is
about a million light years
away, but should be
here in no time.
be a prince
and don't call the news,
or the authorities,
if you don't
mums the word, dear boy,
i just despise all that fuss,
and do you mind holding the ladder
for me,
i'm rather clumsy
on these things.

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