Tuesday, July 25, 2023

clean up in aisle six

there used
to be a sex store up the street,
next to the Unitarian Church,
and Dunkin Donuts,
but it's closed
down now.
it was two levels,
with an
and an escalator, with
shopping carts.
there were mannequins.
in the windows
sheer lingerie.
and a red pulsing sign
that said
open all night.
a middle aged woman
covered in tattoos
with pierced eyebrows
and blue hair
greeted you
at the door
and pointed to an area
of your
needs and desires.
toys and gizmos on aisle
and books on the second
the basement had chains
and cages.
at least, that's what i heard.
you were warned to be careful
in aisle six.
don't slip.
mind you, this is all hearsay
of course.

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