Friday, December 18, 2020

three hours at a holiday inn

through the thin

of the holiday inn
on route one heading south
richmond highway
i could

hear the man coughing
in the adjacent room
he talked on the phone.

my vent being
his too.

the bed was hard.
the pillow a small sack
of what felt like straw
and stones.

it smelled of smoke
and urine.
ashtrays overflowed.
a picture of a revolutionary
firing a rifle
hung on the wall.

my plan was three nights
to let
things settle down back
at home, to figure out
a way.

but at two in the morning,
i got up.

grabbed my unpacked
bag by the door
and left.

my decision made.

1 comment:

Di said...

I am with this narrative poem from the beginning, but then it just ends. I want more of this one.