Saturday, August 10, 2019

lawyer advice

i visit my lawyer for advice.

he's eating a sandwich.
drinking. seven new clients
are waiting in the hall.

he's funny, dismissive.
he says things like you never
loved that house
to begin with did you?

it's just money.
hey, you'll see your kid
every other

play nice. there's more fish
in the sea.

how much? i ask him.

half he says. it's the law.
half. no matter who's wrong.
who's right.
no matter who cheated, who

let her have the dog, you
take the couch
and the picture on the wall.

or hell, leave everything.
start fresh.

a little child support.
alimony until
she's back on her feet.
bingo, you're out the door.

back on her feet?
i ask her. that's hilarious.
you should do stand up
when you aren't
doing this, robbing
the poor.

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