Wednesday, August 14, 2019

hearing voices

i talk to myself
these days. long conversations.
short conversations.

mostly at the tv,
some dumb show I've landed on,
but can't find the remote to change,
or when i can't find something,
or when i'm
trying to figure out what to eat.

i say out loud.
eggs or cereal tonight? shaking
the box of cheerios to see if
i can get one more bowl out of it.

i yell out answers to jeopardy
before they ask a question.

or at the weatherman when his
forecast is not what i need
for the week.

come on Bill,
i'll say.
give me a break on the rain,
would ya?

i talk to the guy calling
about health care,
or hotel deals at some resort.

sometimes i change my voice
to an old indian woman,
or to an old man down in alabama
strumming a banjo.

it's fun for a while until
they want my credit card number.

i think the neighbors are starting
to talk, wondering who
all these people are that are in
my house now.

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