Saturday, August 24, 2019


I peruse the book store.

the amazon book store.

but end up looking at pants
and shoes.

I get distracted easily.
did you do something to your hair?
looks different.

shorter, perhaps.

I go back to the books.
a new poetry book would be nice.
or a beach read.
fiction, not too hard to digest.
something I can pick
up where I left off and not
think too hard
about where I was.

not old poetry though.
not the hard puzzling stuff
of the academia world.

the new Yorker poetry stinks.

who do you have to sleep with
to get a poem
in there?

what does any of them mean.
words. scrambled,
clever to the point of no one
gets it.

I go back to pants and shoes.
sweaters perhaps.
winter is soon to come.

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