Friday, August 16, 2019

lean into it

you can drink it away.
it out
with a drug, or buying a bunch
of junk
you really don't need.
you can go on amazon and buy
every book ever written about
it and become an
expert on relationships,
or maybe you can have
a lot of
that means nothing to
your or them.
buy a dog, or a cat,
or redecorate your house.
get a new haircut,
a new car, take a trip
to some island,
or you can go to the gym
and work
it out.
sweat and grind
at the tread mill, the iron,
flexing those limbs.
you can cry it out,
whine about it
to all your friends,
and strangers too, but none
of that works.
you just have to feel
the pain,
the grief and go right
through it.
lean into it. lean hard
and long
straight through to very
no turning back, no looking
all forward, this is how
you mend.

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