Sunday, August 11, 2019

darkening clouds

when I go dark.

I go dark.

there is no grey. no soft
earth colors.

no vibrant blues or reds.

just the bitter sweet
darkness of black.

I go away.

I hear it in a voice,
a sigh.

the superficial conversation.
the opinions
and pride
of what's been collected
over a lifetime.

I don't care about your house,
your boat,
your cars,
your cellar full of wine.

I don't want to know about
your cruise.
your simplistic views
on the state of fashion
and food.

you're skin and bones to me.
an empty suit.
you bring nothing
to the table

but a list of things.
I have no clue what's in your
your soul.
what's really o your mind.

don't tell me about your church,
how often your pray,
or give. how spiritual you are,
when you aren't.

don't send me another affirmation
your false God.

live it, show it. keep quiet
about it,

or go.

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