Sunday, August 4, 2019

believe them

I love the quote,
'when they tell you who
they are,
believe them.'

it's so hard to do.
you want them to be
or more of what you
desire. it's impossible.

you want them to change,
be more moral,
more truthful, more
fun and loving, more
who you are, and less
like how they behave.

but no. they are incapable
of any change.

they tell you in words,
in actions, in thought
and feelings exactly
who they are. you must
listen and observe.
take note.

when you do finally
get it and believe them,
it sets you free.
your eyes clear,
your heart heals

and you can see at last
that they aren't meant to
be with you, no matter
how hard
you wish and try not
to believe.

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