Tuesday, May 14, 2019

finding home

it's a strange world
we're in.
stranger by the day,
by the hour.
what is isn't, what's real
is not real.
we're living in a
surreal time,
abstract is the norm.
no one is who
you thought they were,
everything you once
believed to be true,
has come undone.
the violence is overwhelming.
the boisterous
and bullies are
winning out.
the liars are
in control.
doubt and deception
is our weather
for the day.
it's a carnival of noises
and muddled colors
and all the rides
are disappointments.
time to get off and go
find a flat land,
of green grass
and a home. to be
with the one you love,
and peaceful
at last arriving at
home sweet home.

1 comment:

Igor Marinovsky said...

I also perceive world in such way.