Thursday, January 31, 2019

land lline

the land line
is worthless, for the most part.
it's the number
that my mother used
to call me on,

so it's hard to let it go
the 7 hundred dollars
a year I pay for it to ring
by people I don't know.

someone from
or the urkraine
asking me
if I need any medication,
or new windows,
or if i'd like a no interest
or maybe a warranty
on my toaster oven.

these things all interest
me, but
I just hang on up on them,
which doesn't seem
to phase them in
the least bit.

they call the next day
without fail.
same spiel, same deal,
same scam,

different day.

1 comment:

Di said...

Nice premise of why we hold onto the things we hold onto