Thursday, January 24, 2019

crime does pay

they take
me away in handcuffs,
arms behind
my back,
after I attempt to rob
a bank with a toy
I was running low on
money because of the shut down.
guilty of all charges.
but I don't mind.
no more cutting the grass,
taking out the trash.
no more telemarketers
calling me
up to buy things I don't
I don't mind
the orange jump suits either,
or the stiff cot
they call a bed.
I could read and write,
study micro biology,
lift weights in the yard
with my new friends.
it wouldn't be so
three meals a day.
maybe I could get a job
in the kitchen
cooking up
scrambled eggs.
I didn't like my old job
nine to five, who needs it.

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