Wednesday, June 1, 2011

the new dog

the new dog
does not remind
me of the old
dog. the new
one doesn't
bark, or whine,
or beg while
i eat, or drag
his bag of food
to his bowl
across the kitchen
the new dog
doesn't hog
the bed, lying
sideways, or
howl at the moon,
or chase cats.
he isn't in middle
of us, as i
make a move on
a saturday
night trying
to unzip
your complicated
dress. no.
the new dog is
no fun like
the old dog was.


lmeisenhardt said...

Dear Moe, God rest his soul. I hope it wasn't from throwing him up in the air too much. Your poetry is amazing and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have gotten a new buddy.