Sunday, June 6, 2010

tornado alley

my new friend
francis is a
scientist of sorts.
she tracks germs
across the country
and makes a chart
and a graph
as to where
the measles have
surfaced or
a rare but deadly
case of bubonic
plague, or scarlet
fever, or even
where the mumps
might be lurking,
it's a weather
report of death
and illness.
she is a tornado
chaser of infectious
diseases that are
swirling towards
a neighborhood
like yours. she
takes her work
seriously although
knows that eventually
the twister will
visit you and her,
and everyone that
breathes. there is no
cellar with which to
grab your little toto
and go to. you
can't stop what's
coming, she says
with a sweet nice
smile fluttering
her big brown eyes,
then puts another
check and number
upon her chart
when you tell her
that you have
a scratchy throat.

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