Monday, June 21, 2010

sunday school

on the way to church
the other morning
this policeman
in his blue
uniform and shiny
badge who was
directing traffic
into the parking lot
pulled me over and
asked me if knew what
speed i was going
in the school zone.
i said no, i didn't,
but why don't you tell
smarty pants. it's
sunday anyway, i said.
this didn't bode well
with the officer.
you ever heard of
sunday school, punk,
he said and reached
in to hit me with his
nightstick. when
i tried to roll
up the window
to get away, he
me making my eyes
water. i let out a
scream as he dragged
me out of the car
in front of the
entire congregation
and cuffed me to
a statue of Mother
Mary. and this is
why i don't go
to church anymore.

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