Thursday, April 1, 2010


the drawer
that squeaks
in the old
antique dresser,
the top drawer
where i keep
every torn ticket,
stained playbill, or
program from
the years
gone by,
is stuffed,
there is almost
no room
for another
ticket stub,
or pass to
an art show,
or museum guide.
and i wonder
if all of this so
called culture
has made me a
better person.
i don't think so.
i'm still basically
the same person
regardless, for
better or worse.
depends on who you
talk to. i figure
that i'm the same
whether i had gone
or not gone to see
Spam Alot, or
King Lear, or Doubt,
or Who's Afraid
of Virginia Woolf.
but i like it all
just the same.
so i take my dozens
of socks, black
socks, business
socks and more white
athletic socks then
i can count, out
of the second drawer
and throw in the new
and crisp stub from
a movie that has
already slipped my mind.

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