Thursday, April 8, 2010

the blue monkey

the small circus
with one lion
who yawns and blinks
is in town,
and one old grey
elephant named
pinky with sad
eyes and enormous
ears that shake
off the flies, and
a tail like wire
that helps lead
the way.
the small big top
with a clown, one
shiny clown full
of rum with
a red nose and a tiny
car to roll around
in. no cannon ball
man, no fat lady,
or lady with a beard,
no midgets or snakes,
just a few washed out
roadies with
tattoos and mustaches,
but they do have
a monkey that rattles
his cage and screams
for no reason, other
than that he's blue.


Sara Leigh said...

Pity the person who did that dye job. That's why he's in the cage. He'd scratch their eyes out. I feel his pain.

lgsbowen said...

I like this one for exactly what and how it illustrates the scene. It's almost like a preview of a David Lynch movie.