Wednesday, January 15, 2014

we never go anywhere

we never go anywhere
or do anything,
she says,
heating up a slice
of pizza for
dinner. when was the
last time we
did something fun?
what, you say,
lifting your head
up from the pillow
on the couch
and peering over
the cushions.
how come we don't
travel anywhere.
like france or Italy.
someplace like that?
your friend lulu
just got back from
there with her mother,
didn't she?
yes, she says. and
she said it was
fabulous. they had a
wonderful time,
they bought me this
beret. see?
she spins around with
a red beret tilted
on her head.
maybe instead of
ocean city, we can
go to paris this
year, or rome,
someplace fun with
culture and romance.
you shake your head.
I heard there are
lots of bed bugs
and pick pockets
over there, and they
don't like americans.
who told you that.
I saw it on the travel
food channel.
did you know that we
invented French fries.
how crazy is that?
we invented half of
their culture.
what the hell are you
talking about?
what about florida, you
tell her. we could
go see some minor league
games in the grapefruit
league this spring?
this is when she begins
to cry and takes
her phone into
the other room, the beret
still floating
atop her head. your
dinner is on the table
she yells before
slamming the door.

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