Thursday, January 23, 2014

i'm joining a nunnery

while sitting at the park
having lunch,
your friend Katrina,
also known as Kat,
kit kat, and kitty
kat, tells you that she
is done with men
and sex. she's sick
of all the pressures
of dating, the exhausting
interview process
when you have to tell
someone new your
complete life story
over a glass of wine
and a plate of rubbery
calamari. I'm joining
a nunnery, she says.
I'm serious. men
just want this, she
says, pointing at
various parts of
her body. pffft,
you say, trying not
to look too hard
at the places she
just pointed at.
men, what are you
gonna do? you sigh
so, you're switching
to the other side?
no, she says loudly,
scaring the pigeons
away from our bench.
I'm done with sex.
period, men women,
whatever. I'm giving
myself to God.
okay, okay, you say.
calm down mother Theresa.
and how long
do you think this is
going to last?
I don't know she says,
breaking off a piece
of bread for the birds
and tossing it.
a week, maybe two.
three tops.

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