Friday, January 24, 2014

drunk woman overboard

you were on a cruise
ship once
and there was
a passenger talent
show one balmy
between stops.
there were
tap dancers
and children
playing trumpets.
all good fun.
then a man
in his early
sixties stepped
up to the microphone
and began to sing
I left my heart
in san Francisco.
he was serious,
holding the microphone
with two hands.
about half way
through the song,
as he sang
I left my heart,
which he was singing
quite well
as far as I was
concerned a drunk
blonde woman
behind me with a
pina colada in
hand yelled out,
and you left your
talent there
too. everyone heard
it, but the man kept
singing. you admired
and as you shot
a look at the woman
behind you, drenched
in make up
and her leathery
brown tan
you couldn't help
but imagine
her going
overboard one night
out in the deep sea.

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