Sunday, October 15, 2023

the march on washington

i'm in a protest mood,
i tell my
friend Betty.
can you make us up some
after coffee and a bagel
and then
we can go
down to the white house
and march,
or something. the weather
is too nice
to stay in all day.
okay, she says.
she's so agreeable.
what are we protesting.
i don't know. can you think
of anything?
what haven't we protested
we've done the war thing,
crime and poverty.
we did racism
last week.
and immigration the week
before that.
how about inflation?
she says.
okay, okay. in fact
i just got a notice that my
condo fees are going up again.
inflation it is.
let's bring
some folding chairs, the grass
is going to be
wet after all this rain we've
been having.

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