Friday, October 20, 2023

the check is in the mail

after a week
of dragging out the publisher's
clearing house
on the phone, using my Emily
Wilson voice,
i begin to tire.
i may be losing my marbles too.
he goes by the name of David
with a thick
Jamaican accent.
i've reported his
number, his mule address
to the authorities,
his bank account information.
what more
can i do, to end this charade?
but he wants
so badly
to give me the new Mercedes,
the five point four
million dollars, and deposit
the five
thousand dollars a month
into my checking account.
what am i to do?
He says he's a 
Baptist minister and believes
in God, and the salvation
of Jesus.
i hear dogs barking in his yard,
roosters crowing.
a child screaming
for something.
he gives me a recipe for soup.
he tells me to get
some rest and be thankful
for what's coming next.
he tells me that he loves me.
sweet dreams, he says
before reluctantly hanging up.
he'd be a wonderful man
if he wasn't a lying thief
preying on old people,
never uttering a single word
of truth.

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