Wednesday, October 25, 2023

father and son time

when my son was
about five
years old
i taught him how to make
a sandwich
for the game.
he stood attentively
at the kitchen
counter, as i laid out
the groundwork.
i showed him how to
use the toaster,
instructing him on how to hold
the serrated knife.
we set out all the ingredients.
the mustard and mayo.
the tomatoes
and lettuce, the onions.
the peppers.
which he made a face at.
we took out
the ham
and roast beef already
we debated on which cheese,
settling on
i showed him how to shred
the lettuce into small pieces,
explaining to him
that big leafs of lettuce
would make
everything slide out,
then picked our bread,
long hoagie rolls, which
we buttered
then toasted.
we began the careful layering
after a quick swath
of the butter knife
with mustard or mayo.
it was time for
the meat and vegetables.
the cheese.
delicately we laid out
the slices of tomato and onions,
the meat,
then closed it all up.
i showed him how to wrap
the entire sandwich in foil
so that it wouldn't topple
over when we carried it
downstairs to the coffee table.
a lesson learned
the hard way.
i put a handful of potato chips
on his plate next to a large
pickle. then a giant chocolate
chip cookie.
viola, i told him, let's go.
the game is about to start.
we can clean this mess up
at halftime,
before your
mother gets home from 
the shoe sale at Nordstroms..
grab us some sodas.

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