Thursday, January 20, 2022

men and garages

i've noticed,
casually observed one might
that men of a certain
need their own special
a cellar nook,
an attic, perhaps, but
the garage being the one
most used.
they raise the door
before noon.
you can see their tools
aligned neatly
on the bench, the floor
the lights bright, an old
car with the hood up being
worked on.
there's always a project going
on, a chair being restored,
a lamp being wired.
posters of a different era
on the walls.
leggy pin ups of
Marilyn, or Rita Hayworth
on tin plates.
music playing
from stereo speakers hung
high in the corner.
a small ice box for cans
of beer,
for when friends stop by
to chew one's ear.

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