Saturday, January 22, 2022

the coldest winter in fourteen years

it was winter.
the coldest i've ever been
in my life.
the hudson
seemed frozen.
the statue of liberty
appeared to be shivering.
the wind at battery park
cut us to the bones.
times square,
the village. walking
arm in arm. through
so ho, and no ho,
Chinatown. somehow
we managed. ducking
into stores
and shops
to try and get warm.
it wasn't until
we found an Irish
bar on the west side
where we could unravel
our scarves
and coats,
remove our hats and gloves.
and eat.
and oh, how we ate.
Shepard's pie
and beer, great chunks
of bread. i can still smell
the food on my plate
and feel the wonderous
rising into my face.
it felt like love, or what
love should be.
new york in winter
will do that to you.

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