Saturday, January 22, 2022

the bull

i tell my broker to lock down
my accounts
after they
hit an all time high.
it's enough
money to live on until the end
of time.
i tell her
to put it under the proverbial
morgan stanley
and she says. oh no. it's too
early. you don't want to do that.
you're going to miss out
on the market
going up and up and up.
this is a bull market, she exclaims.
i tell her,
don't talk about animals
when discussing my life long savings,
okay, she says, sorry.
but please don't worry.
all is well.
so i go online to take
a look at my account
today and i'm
forty grand less than i was a week
it's a wtf moment.
so i call her to give her hell,
but she's not taking
any calls right now.
she's taking holiday.

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