Saturday, January 29, 2022

just flush and play taps

i think about buying
a horse,
but then i come to my senses.
i know nothing
about a horse,
except from what i learned
on tv watching
cowboy shows as a kid.
the only four legged
i've ever been on was a donkey
going up
the splattered cobblestone
path to Santorini.
so maybe a dog again.
or a cat.
but then you have the shedding.
the vet bills.
the scratching.
heart worm fever and all
of that. not to mention.
the poop
in plastic bags.
what about a goldfish.
a nice shiny goldfish,
i'll call her shelly,
or max.
a bowl, some water.
sprinkle some crumbs
at feeding time
and that's that.
no burial when they die.
no ashes,
no grave,
no crying. 
just flush and play taps.

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