Wednesday, August 11, 2021

what are your goals?

so tell me, she says, all bright
and sassy, 
leaning across the table
like a ray of sunshine.
more herbal tea, the waitress
asks her.
oh, please. she says.
and you sir.
gin, i tell her. leave the bottle.
so, sunshine says again.
tell me about you.
what's your vision, where
do you see yourself going,
where do you want to be
in this life.
we only have one life to 
live, she says. we shouldn't
waste it.
unless you're Hindu, i tell her.
what? she says.
oh never mind.
tell me your goals, she says,
taking my hands and folding
my fingers into hers.
well, i tell her. i put my clothes
in the washer about twenty
minutes ago, and my goal
is to get them in the dryer before
they get that funny sour
smell. know what i mean,
jelly bean?

1 comment:

Di said...

Um is this the dating scene?