Saturday, August 21, 2021

Drama Free and Low Maintenance

when you hear the words,
i'm drama free.
get away as fast as you can.
in fact don't run,
take a cab, drive.
low maintenance. same thing.
i'm happy
and content with my life.
i'm friends with all
my ex's.
start drinking heavily, you're
going to need it.
when you see the book
don't sweat the small stuff
on their nightstand
or the five languages of love,
or rosary beads hanging from
their rearview mirror,
call a priest.
you'll need an exorcism
within a week with this person.
when you hear the words,
i don't really care about sex
anymore, or
my therapist thinks that i
don't wait for her to finish
that sentence.
check please. giddyup.

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