Sunday, August 8, 2021

the therapeutic letter

they tell you that when you're
upset with someone, to write it all
down in a letter. put it in writing.
let it all come out, all of your anger
and frustrations. your accusations.
list your grievances, your pain,
and disappointments in this person.
don't hold back, call them every name
in the book, you cheating, lying,
no good so and so. 
quote the bible if you have to.
inform them that they
are going to burn in hell for what
they've done to you and others. 
tell them that
karma is going to come around
and bite them on the butt.
write until your fingers
bleed, and your eyes get blurry.
leave nothing out. not even that
time at christmas, or when you
found that greeting card
not meant for you.
write until it's all down on paper,
then reread it, satisfied for getting
it out of your system. 
at last you're done and can move on.
now tear it up and burn it. don't
send it. whatever you do, don't mail it.
which is impossible for me to do.
i edit it, make even more points,
i check for spelling and grammar,
make a few copies, staple them
all together,
then i put one copy in an envelope,
apply extra stamps,
and rush it to the post office
for overnight delivery.
after that i put my finger on my chin,
and think,
hmmm. who else can i send
this to?

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