Thursday, May 13, 2021

there was this time in band camp

she tells me she's only made
love to three men
in her life
that counted.
what about the ones
that didn't count,
i ask her
handing her my phone
in high school too? she asks.
all time.
i tell her.
what's your number?
gee whiz, she says.
okay, but in the spirit
of being open and honest,
i'll tell you, but
then it's your turn.
and keep in mind this 
was in the late seventies,
disco fever and all that.
ummm. yeah, sure. sure.
you go first.

1 comment:

Cynthiakf said...

At least she’s honest.
It is my opinion that how many lover’s you’ve had, should remain your secret.
No one likes to imagine their lover with different partners, even if they ask.
As the relationship progresses, and you feel more confident about it, past lover’s just come up casually.