Friday, May 28, 2021

bone dry on angst

i feel like i've been writing too
many fun
and happy, sarcastic, sardonic
and silly poems lately.
this worries me, being so content
almost happy.
i should really see my doctor
about this.
i need to write a sad poem.
a dark, bleak piece.
something that dredges up
the past, death and dying.
something involving the pandemic
of love.
but i've got nothing, at the moment.
i need  a break up
or something.
divorce, betrayal.
something along those lines.
i need an angry client, or neighbor,
road rage.
i need an ex wife to show up
again and put me through a living
i'm empty on sad poems at the moment.
the well is bone dry
right now on angst.
maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Di said...

Poems about poetry
are hard to pull off
some sad speaker going on
about nothing
waiting for a line that never moves
or ends
some rhythm that will sing
or dance or get up and
something more
than what it is
sitting on the blank page
empty, a void in a white
and dark sky.