Friday, March 12, 2021

the extra warranty

would you like to buy extra warranty
on these, the young clerk says dutifully,
as he rings me up.
but they're just batteries.
i tell him.
six double A batteries.
we can extend the warranty to
twelve months,
or two years if you prefer in case
something goes wrong
with them.  and i see that you're
a member so, we can take
ten percent off that plan.
but, i say again, what could go wrong.
they're batteries.
so, your answer is no?
you want to take a chance
that they could die on you and
then what?  you 're up a creek
without a paddle. 
No thanks. 
so you don't want
this extra warranty? is that
what you're telling me?
yes, i mean, no, my answer is no.
okay, he says, shaking his head.
just trying to help you out.
it's your life.

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