Sunday, March 21, 2021

they've even chosen you

i'm easily persuaded 
by the power
of suggestion,
someone says
let's go here,
and i go.
eat this and i open
my mouth to chew and swallow.
you should do this
for a living.
you're good at that. so i do.
the color blue serves you
and black. i shop
for exactly what i'm told
best upon my back.
i wait for oprah to tell me
what to read,
what to watch.
i study the commercials
on tv
to guide me on what car
to buy,
what trip to take.
what investments i should
make before
i die.
you should be married
by now, they say.
own a house.
have children. 
a dog too. so i succumb
to the pressure,
and there it is. at last
i'm exactly who they want
me to be.
they've chosen even you.

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