Saturday, March 6, 2021

someone to look up to

she was someone
i looked up to.
her being six feet tall,
what choice did i have.
she put her arm around
my shoulders 
as if i was a small child.
i felt safe with her.
and she liked 
being in charge.
vertically we were challenged,
but horizontally
we matched.
if i needed something
off the high shelf,
there she was.
cobwebs in the corners,
no problem.
i'd have to stand on a box
to kiss her.
sometimes i'd ask
how the weather was
up there, and she'd laugh
despite being asked that
all the time.
she called me short bread.
i miss her and still think
about her, but sadly
it just wasn't meant to last.

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Very nice!!